Table of Contents
E-Book Readers
Devices that are primarily meant to read digital books. These will mostly feature “E-Ink” screens, although this is not a guarantee for an E-Book reader. Despite that, they have been included under “E-Ink devices” due to this expectation. For architectures and OSes, E-Book readers typically feature some ARM chip that runs a variant of Linux or Android.
Amazon Kindle 4 NT (non-touch)
Operating Systems (NXP I.MX 508)
Follow the instructions on the Kindle4NTHacking page to set up USBnet and obtain a root shell
The kernel on this is mainlined, although it is claimed to be “much less useful” upon running postmarketOS. Still, it works.
Amazon Kindle 4 Touch
Many various hacks
The Kindle 4 Touch has a wide variety of interesting hacks and exploits you can do with it. This page documents them all.
X.Org (native apps)
A page covering how to run X.Org apps directly on the Linux kernel the Kindle Touch uses by default.
Amazon Kindle series
Operating Systems (ARM?)
Alpine Linux
For the first time there is up-to-date software compatible with the old kernel
This may be the most up to date version of a Linux port to the Kindle. Tested on the Paperwhite 3, but may work on other Paperwhites also. If one is to install Linux on the Kindles, this may be the best option overall.
Arch Linux
Set up some mounting, GUI launching, and unmounting scripts
Practically the same method as Debian, at it’s core. Chrooting and such. X is shown off here.
The first thing you need to do is jailbreak your Kindle
Basically just setting up a chroot by accessing the underlying Debian subsystem. Model specifics are not mentioned, so thus, it’s assumed this is applicable to many Kindles, warranting a “series-wide” listing. (bad tutorial)
Ubuntu 9.04
I used the USB networking debug mode Amazon left hanging around
This instance was done on the Kindle 2 from ~2009, but it may apply to other devices also. Apparently, the author of this hack was able to run a proper desktop environment, complete with X11.
MobileRead jailbreaks
A forum offering many different jailbreaks for unlocking many different models of the Kindle.
Nook Simple Touch
Operating Systems (ARM?)
Classic Mac OS 1.1-7.5.5 (in Mini vMac)
This was accomplished by rooting the reader and simply installing the emulator like normal. It runs quite well, as demonstrated.
Console emulation (potential)
Whether these emulators support operating systems for these consoles is unknown; it must be looked into further. Consoles without meaningful OSes are not included.
Sony PlayStation – various android APK emulators, see “Other” listing
Emulation Nest
This device runs an operating system which is known to emulate various devices with EOPs. See the Classic Mac OS page.
Emulators, Games, etc. thru root
Just a bunch of things that can be ran on the Simple Touch by rooting the thing. (various) (PSX 1) (PSX 2) (Video)
Rakuten Kobo Clara HD
Operating Systems (I.MX6 SLL)
The USB can be changed to host mode
Unlike the Glo below, the Clara properly runs Linux, has a complete kernel mainlining, and has many functions already working, such as USB OTG, WiFi, touchscreen, and so on. It can be safely assumed that postmarketOS runs well on these. This entry also counts for Tolino Shine 3 devices, which are nearly identical to the Clara HD.
Rakuten Kobo Glo HD
Operating Systems (I.MX6 SL)
Analysis of original software: this device is shipped with Linux 3.0.35
Apparently, a lot of progress has been made in the name of mainlining the Linux kernel port to these. Function of postmarketOS itself is unknown, but appears to be preliminary.
Rakuten Kobo Libra H2O
Operating Systems (i.MX6 SLL)
the Libra H2O does not have an internal replaceable µSD but an internal eMMC
One of several Kobo e-readers that can run postmarketOS. This one is waterproof, so there is no SD card slot. Instead, the (mainlined!) kernel must be flashed onto the device.
Rakuten Kobo Tolino Shine 2HD
Operating Systems (i.MX6 SoloLite)
Favorite way to install software is to clone the SD card and keep the old one as backup or have at least the hidden waveform partition in place
Can boot a mainlined postmarketOS either through replacing the internal SD, or fastboot. Pretty functional, as it supports full display, WiFi, OTG, and other features generally needed to actually use a postmarket device.
Rakuten Kobo series
Operating Systems (NXP i.MX6 ARM family)
Alpine Linux (thru KoBox)
You'll *want* to install another web browser.
A pre-made Alpine Linux chroot diskimage, with fully functional X, practical applications, and much more. Some updates have been made to it a bit more recently to improve speed and function. Generally makes the Kobos into nice little “paper ink” Linux tablets.
From the same guy who did the real port of Debian. More to add here…
Debian (half-port)
So if you want to run anything with a user interface, like vim or emacs, you can't
This is moreso just a teletype emulator that isn’t actually an emulator. Ultimately, it achieves a similar purpose with very little functionality.
Debian (real port)
Open the back cover of the Kobo. Replace original SD card with new one
Some actually put Debian Jessie on their Kobo Touch, having used Ubuntu 13.04 prior. It appears to be quite functional with games, apps, x11, and so on. It has only been tested on the N905C model of the Touch.
Linux (updated kernel)
The most recent mainline kernel port to the Kobo, finally including the devices onto the recent versions of Linux, with mostly complete hardware support.