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GamePark Holdings Caanoo

The 3rd and last “homebrew” handheld released by GamePark Holdings (not to be confused with Game Park). Releasing on August 16th, 2010 across parts of Asia and Europe, the Caanoo continued the lineage of GamePark Holding's “homebrew” handhelds that had a few commercial games, which makes all of them disqualified from the “emulation handheld” category. When it comes to hardware, the Caanoo came with a simple “Pollux” ARM9 CPU, 128 MB of RAM, a 320×240 resistive touch screen, and a bit of internal flash memory for the operating system. Like all other “homebrew” handhelds, the Caanoo was not intending to crack into the actual portable console market, thus it's light sales figures can still be considered a “success”.

Operating Systems (Host ARM9)

Console emulation (potential)

Whether these emulators support operating systems for these consoles is unknown; it must be looked into further. Consoles without meaningful OSes are not included.,0,0,0,71

Coleco ColecoVision – Caanoo-Colem

GamePark Hld. GP2X – Ginge (compatibility layer, unlocks most prev. programs!)

Nintendo Entertainment System – GPFCE, GESGP2X

Super Nintendo Entertainment System – DrPocketSnes, Pocketsnes, Snes9x4C, SnesGp2x

Nintendo Game Boy (Color) - Oh-Boy

Nintendo Game Boy Advance – Caanoo-gpsp

Sega Genesis - PicoDrive

Sega Master System – DrSMS

Sony PlayStation – PCSX ReARMed, PCSX4ALL

Emulation Nest

This device runs an operating system which is known to emulate various devices with EOPs. See the AmigaOS, DOS, and MSX pages.

PC emulation (potential)

Whether these emulators support operating systems for these computers is unknown; it must be looked into further. PCs without meaningful OSes are not included.,0,0,0,72

Amstrad CPCs - Caanoo-CAP32

Atari 8-bits – Caanoo-Atari

Atari STs – OutcaST

Commodore 64 - VICE

Commodore Amigas - UAE4ALL

Miles Gordon SAM Coupé - SimCouple

MSXs – Caanoo-MSX

Sinclair ZX Spectrums – GP2XPectrum, Unreal Speccy Porable

Texas Instruments 92 – Caanoo-TI92

x86 - DosBOX,0,0,0,73,531


Arora Browser

Arora browser for Caanoo with virtual keyboard and java support

A graphical browser running off the existing Linux install. This can use a USB mouse and keyboard.,0,0,0,112,818

CAANOO Web Browser

Appears to be one of the two ports of Links to this system.,0,0,0,112,509



No bookmarks/hotlist functionality .. the netsurf framebuffer target does not support it atm.

Does not appear to be as functional as Arora, but it still has a significant array of features.,0,0,0,112,803

eop/video_game_consoles-portable/7th_generation/gamepark_holdings_caanoo.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/14 17:30 by io55admin