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For “wall mounted” thermostats meant for homes and offices. Ones with enough technical capability to run EOPs appear to mostly be Linux/ARM devices, but some run Windows embedded.

Google Nest

Operating Systems

Various hacks, root

All software versions of the Nest Thermostat are affected by this root package

A lot of hacks are available for this, and some of them allow root and SSH access. Things can be rendered to the display, but further functionality is unknown.

Honeywell Prestige

Operating Systems (ARM Cortex STM32F4)

Linux port (+ Doom)

The system boots from spi flash so it's easy to backup or replace it.

The given port is quite fully featured, capable of basic web server hosting, picture displaying, internet browsing, and much more. No code is supplied, but instructions are available to replicate. While the Doom port is included for notoriety, it does not utilize any OS, thus keeping it within this.

Johnson Controls GLAS

Operating Systems (ARM?)

Windows 10 IoT Edition

This is what runs stock on this thing, and apparently at times it will display parts of the original Windows shell. Quite cool.

eop/home_electronics/thermostats.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/22 22:36 by io55admin