Table of Contents
Smart Lights
All “lighting fixtures” which have a “smart” capability which can be EOP'd. They appear to mostly be Linux-based ARM or MIPS devices.
Greenwave Reality
Operating Systems
This device ships with an open U-boot installation
This exploit is patched as of 3.0.74, but may still be accessible with certain “old stock” devices. Here, the “main controller” for these little light bulbs has a method for temporary root access to the filesystem.
Other (Cortex M33)
DOOM port
Do not power up the lamp directly from the mains
A port made with heavy optimizations. Taken down from the internet due to legal “licensing” trash, hence the archive links. Running an OS on this is practically impossible due to the minuscule RAM (108KB).
eop/home_electronics/smart_lights.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/22 22:35 by io55admin